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Happy Mums Say

What contribution can you truly be for your birth?

Read what some of our happy mums say

Baby girl was born weighing 7lb8. We are all over the moon. 
On Wed 13th, contractions started in the early evening, and I had a slight show. Very mild. I used breathing to get through them. I called my mum to come and stay just in case, as my other children were born in the early hours of the morning. However, I woke a few times in the night with a contraction but nothing exciting. In the morning, my mum went home, and life resumed with some more mild contractions. They started to increase around 10am and my friend picked up my youngest daughter to look after her. The eldest was at school. As soon as my youngest left the house, my labour stopped completely! I had expected the opposite to happen! Very weird. I went for a nap and had some lunch and, after a couple of hours felt this intense need to have my children with me! I was quite emotional about it. We changed the plan that my daughters would come home after school instead of my mum picking them up. Until then, I went for a little walk and did some curb walking. As soon as both my girls were home, labour started up again. Contractions were intense but manageable with breathing, counting in and out, and peddling feet whilst leaning over the worktop. I suddenly felt tired, so I went for a laydown and woke and contractions intensified a little, but I still used the same technique and figure 8 hips to relieve. I went upstairs for a shower but had to get out halfway through. 
The girls came upstairs to have bedtime books with my mum, and I went downstairs, where my body suddenly started pushing. We called the midwife to come over. My body was then pushing, and in 3 contractions baby was born. The midwife arrived 5 minutes later, but all was well and baby alert.
My girls had no idea until the next morning that baby had arrived. A wonderful experience, and Jayne's class made things like peddling feet, breathing and figure 8 all second nature. Counting through the contraction and focusing on the next rest also helped immensely!! I never thought I'd want the hustle and bustle of my kids in the house while in labour, but my body needed it!  
Thanks again, Jayne, for keeping me physically and mentally fit during this pregnancy
 I just wanted to let you know that our baby arrived weighing 7lb 5oz.
The birth was really quick once we arrived at the hospital; I gave birth in the birth centre, which was really nice and not a clinical feeling. I had one midwife who looked after me from start to end.
The affirmations I learned from class really helped; I felt strong enough to labour mostly at home doing exercises and breath work, and then when the surges came more frequently, we headed to the hospital. I was hoping to have an epidural if things got too much, but the baby was already coming by the time I asked for it, and I did it all with just gas and air. A proud achievement for myself! 
Finally, I just wanted to thank you for all your support in the lead-up to the birth - you really helped me get myself into a positive mindset ahead of time, and I believe it all made the world of difference. 

I just wanted to thank you for everything you taught me during the weekly class and the workshop.
Our little boy was born on the 1st of August, healthy and happy.

Nothing went according to the birth plan at all. Despite having long and painful contractions for a couple of days, I did not dilate at all, and after being given synthetic oxytocin (which did not work either), I ended up having an emergency C-section.

The wonderful thing is that in all of this, I was using the breathing techniques to calm down and focus, and even if it was not the birthing experience I was looking forward to, I felt empowered and fearless.

My partner supported me so well the whole time! He was breathing with me and massaging my back and hips while I was labouring, putting into practice everything he learned from the hypnobirthing book and the workshop.

This could have been quite a traumatic experience. A massive thanks from our new little family!

Keep up with your great work!

After googling for things to mitigate the fear I was going through thinking about the thought of giving birth, I found hypnobirthing and booked onto Jayne's courses. I did the yoga and hypnobirthing course as well as the calm birth workshop for Dads to come to as well.
I didn't quite know what to expect, but Jayne was fantastic, loads of knowledge and really lovely. I really enjoyed doing the yoga and meditation mixed with learning about hypnobirthing and it completely changed my mindset on labour.
I'm now 38 weeks pregnant and feeling really calm and positive about natural labour; both me and my Husband feel like we know what to expect, we are in control, and we totally CAN do this! 🙂
Thank you, Jayne, for helping us get to this point x
I am happy to share our little boy arrived early yesterday at lunchtime, and of course, your magic did wonders!!
Delivery in only 5 hours, from first contractions to the last push, the breathing, the positions, and the mantras were all there in my mind, and I felt really empowered compared to my first labour.
I did half the work on a ball (with a scarf around my partner's shoulder with every contraction) really good position and the rest in the pool with gas and air!
I could never thank you enough for making this incredible moment so enjoyable! I had so much trust in my body and my baby that I could control and reassure myself!
I will make sure to refer my friend who is pregnant to your class!
I just wanted to let you know I won't be coming tonight; my little girl made an early arrival on Father's Day, which was very special. She arrived 36 weeks and 4 days. 
My waters broke at 5 am Saturday, contractions started around 12:30 am Sunday morning, and she arrived at 4:25 am, so very quick labour! I got to 10cm dilated just on my breathing (even though I hadn't realised I was this far along!) I asked for gas and air eventually, and after 1 puff, I was ready to push! It caught me by surprise.
The breathing was amazing for me, and your classes helped me so much with this, so I have to say a massive thank you! My partner Harry kept me on track with breathing. The classes and practices we did were always in the back of my mind at every contraction. I thought you'd like to know what a difference it made for me.
I can't thank you enough!
I wanted to let you know I had the baby! She was delivered at home by my husband! The home birth team and the ambulance didn’t make it in time. It was an amazing experience, all completely natural and I felt confident birthing her. We got to do delayed chord clamping, immediate skin-to-skin and first breastfeed. Both me and baby are fine and no injuries post birth and tucked up in our own bed that same night. 
Your couples workshop tips for partners to help during surges were very helpful. I had back labour again and the technique that you showed the partners to apply firm counterpressure to the lower back really got me through the peak of surges. That and a tennes machine! 
Thanks again for your support. 
Well, what an eventful 48 hours it’s been since class! My waters broke when I got out of the car at home, so we went to triage, and they sent me home for 24 hours to get labour started. Contractions started in the early morning, and I laboured at home to 7cm with hypno techniques alone. So much breathing and changing positions, as well as affirmations and relaxations. My husband was a superstar birth partner. 
We went back to triage at that point and unfortunately weren’t able to have water birth due to infection risk, but the rest of my birth plan was honoured in the labour ward, and I pushed our baby girl into the world (a little bit of down breathing but instinct took over and she flew out!!) at 1.17 am this morning weighing 6lb14. She is gorgeous, and we are so in love. 
Thank you for all the techniques, especially the calm birth workshop, which made all the difference. I couldn’t have asked for a better birth partner! 
Really enjoy the regular sessions with Jayne that I booked the program twice! It’s helped build a calm, positive plan around childbirth and is my weekly stress relief!

I also booked the couples workshop which was very informative and helped my partner understand the techniques practised within the regular sessions that we need to adapt during the birth.
Highly recommend to anyone pregnant who wants to feel empowered about their childbirth!
Just wanted to get in touch with you to thank you for the classes. 
I had the most empowering birth with my little girl last week and used all the techniques you taught me during class to get there. Movement, yoga positions and breathing all got me through my labour and I ended up needing no pain relief and had a wonderful natural birth. Such a stark difference to my first pregnancy and labour! 
Also bottoms up helped me to reverse my anterior placenta and I had a complication-free pregnancy which I believe is largely down to the movements that I learnt from you. Thanks again for your excellent teaching.

Just wanted to let you know I'm a Mama now! My son and I are well.

My birth was a bit of a roller coaster. I was induced for medical reasons, and nothing happened for 36 hours. Then my waters broke and he was born within 3 hours. My surges went from zero to 100 very quickly. I didn't have the opportunity to use the movements we'd practised but I massively focused on the breathing techniques we learnt which I honestly believe got me through it. I also got into my zone of relaxing between surges, blubbering my lips and consciously relaxing my shoulders and body.

Thank you for teaching me these valuable techniques. They were very important to me on the big day. You're a really fabulous teacher and I hope you continue to run courses so more women can benefit from your wisdom.

I just wanted to say. Thank you for providing me with the tools to be prepared for the birth of our child. I am glad to share we had a baby boy born on Mother's Day. It was about 55 hours, and actual labour was 9 hours. 
We were booked in for an induction on Thursday, and we went in ready and feeling prepared. They checked me in and started to do their observations. By 8 pm, the midwife in charge came to speak to us, and she said she would like to honour our birth plan and going down the induction route would alter my hypnobirthing experience. We were so elated to hear this, although we felt disappointed having got ourselves mentally ready. After the consultant, growth expert and senior midwife, all agreed we could go home and so we did. Early hours of Friday my waters broke and we went to the birth centre to be examined and booked in. We were sent home to labour there and return in 20 hours. 
20 hours later we were back and sent to the ward and not the birthing suite as I hadn't progressed much. I was disappointed and almost cried as I thought, how would this work. I was then induced to help start the contractions; there were three other women on the ward who were at varying stages of labour and also loud. So at 2 am Saturday, I put my headphones in and put the hypnobirthing audios on repeat. I spent the whole night and morning listening to it and therefore went back into the hypnobirthing mindset. From 8 am when the new nurse came on and she understood we had done hypnobirthing and wanted this to remain at the core of our delivery. I did everything you do in stage 1. By midday, my contractions were closer, and we were moved into a delivery suite. We put my playlist on and made the room feel homely. We had a student midwife as well, which was great. I continued to focus on parts of stages 1 and two, and the midwives respected our Hypno journey and left us to it and asked questions and offered to help. 
Five hours in, they were so impressed I was drinking plenty of fluids and going to the bathroom frequently. They were so impressed at how I was dealing with the pain that they were telling their colleagues and they were coming in to see me. My temperature remained normal and therefore I did not have to get antibiotics for the possibility of an infection. They had to give me the oxytocin drip and also examine me to ensure the right dosage. At that point, I was offered gas and air which I took. The surges were starting to get intense, and even a bath was not easing the pain. I continued moving and using the bed for support. The midwives only got involved to do their observations, but the whole time they chatted with my sister and husband. Which meant I could still do my breathing etc.
We then got a new midwife at the change of shift, and she was briefed and let us get on. Around 2.30 am Sunday morning, I was tired and started to ask for more pain relief and for the drip to be stopped. At that point, my sister chimed in and asked them to check how dilated I was and asked what would happen if the drip was stopped. Stopping the drip could have slowed down the contractions and it also turned out I was 8cm. At that point, I remembered you saying that this happens a lot. So at that moment, I apologised for my weakness. I know I laugh now about it.  Just after 4 am, our little boy was born.
We wanted to say thank you for the course material and couples workshop. These two things really helped in providing me with a successful delivery. We cannot thank you enough for such powerful tools and confidence your course instilled. 
I had my little girl on Wednesday 16 February in the morning. My waters broke at 10pm on Tuesday. I bounced on my ball, did figures of eight and lots of chill out breathing at home. At 2.30am/3am, we headed into the hospital. The midwives were brilliant and darkened the room, started a lighted diffuser and I stayed in the zone. I used lots of up breath and tippy toes.  Blubbered my lips and swayed too. Baby twisted back to back so I used bottoms up a couple of times. At 5am I headed for the birth pool. Again, I was hearing you in my head, telling me to “go with the flow” and reminding me “when I relax, I let go”.  My life mantras now!!  My baby girl was born at 5.16am after I breathed her out and gave one push! It was such an empowering, wonderful experience. I will never, ever forget it. 
I got to snuggle my little girl in the pool, had delayed cord clamping etc and had a lovely start with breastfeeding in my quiet, dim delivery room. I feel very, very fortunate. Thank you so much for another fantastic round of preparation for birth. 
Our little girl was born on Friday 01 April, nothing went to plan and unfortunately ended in emergency c section but, it was oddly all still a positive experience as I felt so well informed, prepared and questioned everything! Used loads of the techniques you taught and for the first 12 hours the midwives kept saying how it felt like such a calm hypnobirth experience with amazing breathing and no pain relief, despite being on labour ward.
Thanks for your great classes and guidance 
I had my baby girl on the 23rd of January!  She is absolutely gorgeous. Just wanted to email you to tell you that I had an absolutely beautiful birth and it was thanks to you and all the yoga, guidance and also couples workshop that we went to that really prepared us.  I even had all the midwives from all different shifts come in, introduce themselves and say that they've heard that my birth was such an empowering one, that the midwife who delivered my baby felt so honoured because they haven't witnessed a birth that was drug-free and so in control in a really long time.  
I literally used all the tricks in the bag from blubbering my lips, too tippy toes, to figure 8's.  Knowing baby wasn't at the station I remembered to do my bottoms up and the BREATHING my god!!! what a lifesaver.  And thank you so much for the couples workshop. My husband was an excellent birth partner.  He was there reminding me all the way, saying affirmations to me, being the protector of my peace and creating lots of moments of oxytocins for me.  
What you have offered in your programs has been absolutely priceless.  
Read Ivy's positive birth story here

One of the best decisions that I have made during my pregnancy! I originally signed up for pregnancy yoga and as an opportunity to meet other new mums-to-be but got so much more out of it. Jayne was very informative, particularly with all the hypnobirthing information. The breathing techniques we learnt were absolutely amazing, and Jayne was great with giving us practical yoga positions and tools, whether it was for high blood pressure, constipation, low lying placenta or a painful lower back, amongst, of course, the way to birth our baby calmly, positively and comfortably.

I started Jaynes program at 20 weeks pregnant, and it has definitely made me feel much more confident, empowered and excited about my pregnancy and birthing journey; highly recommended! Thank you, Jayne!

This was a very informative & relaxing class that helped me not only build confidence for childbirth but helped me relax during my pregnancy and meet other moms! Jayne is such a kind-hearted & funny instructor, so I was looking forward to my class every week!

Thanks so much for today! My partner said afterwards that he was happy we took the workshop and preferred it to NCT (he likes being more hands-on and having a laugh, which was the essence of your style). It was reassuring to have confirmation that I could use yoga and hypnobirthing techniques to optimise the birth. It automatically legitimised things I've been doing to feel comfortable in pregnancy, which was empowering for me. Thanks again.

Fantastic classes I highly recommend these to all pregnant women and couples looking to feel empowered and positive about birth! I attended both the pregnancy yoga & hypnobirthing classes, plus the couples calm birth class with my partner.

The hypnobirthing element has been absolutely amazing in preparing my partner and me for birth. Rather than feeling anxious, fearful and overwhelmed (which I was before I started the classes), I now feel positive, calm, and completely prepared for labour with two weeks to go to the due date. The yoga element has been excellent for helping me physically during pregnancy and preparing my body for labour. I was experiencing a lot of pelvic girdle pain, and practising yoga in class and at home has helped alleviate and manage the pain. Combined with the hypnobirthing makes complete sense as it helps to prepare you both physically and mentally.

My partner and I attended the couples calm birth workshop towards the end of the pregnancy, and this really brought all the elements I had learnt throughout the classes together. It empowered my partner to feel confident about his crucial role during labour and how he can best support my baby and me during such a special event.

I can't recommend these classes highly enough. Jayne has been fantastic, going above and beyond to deliver excellent sessions and being a font of knowledge for pregnancy and labour, sharing really useful information, books to read, music, relaxations, advice, and tips. It is clear that Jayne is passionate about calm birthing and cares deeply about the women and couples attending the sessions.

(And to top it all off, I've made some lovely mums-to-be friends in the local area, what more could you want).

I woke up uncomfortable at 1 in the morning and our baby boy was born naturally at 04:11... I want to thank you very sincerely for helping me prepare for this birth, through regular classes, the workshop and the period when I thought I'd have to be induced. I would say that hypnobirthing techniques are very useful when coming to terms with changing plans, induction and so on, as well as the actual birth.

I attended Jayne's yoga classes at the back end of last year and cannot stress enough how great they were. I learned breathing techniques, relaxation and also great positions for labour and birth. Without knowing these I would not have been able to get through my son's birth drug-free! I cannot thank her enough!!!

I’m writing to let you know that I had my little boy last week. You will be pleased (but I’m sure not surprised!) to hear that we had the most amazing home birth experience!

The labour was quite short - my waters broke at 3.30pm and my son was born at 7.30pm!! So it was a little bit of a shock, didn’t have time to get my older son picked up or anything so he was there for the birth too, along with my husband.

There almost wasn’t anyone else there as we called the midwife so late (at 18:59!) she only got there 15 mins before the baby was actually born! But luckily she did make it and it all went really smoothly.

I used many of the hypnobirthing techniques we did in class and my midwife was really impressed - she sat with me afterwards and said she was especially impressed with the down breathing and how it helped to ‘control’ the baby’s delivery and keep it relaxed and slow so that I did not tear.

During the first stage of labour I also found that “lifting baby off the shelf”, “bottoms up” and circling/ rocking on all fours really helped. Of course, the biggest thing was the breathing!!

I am so glad I took your classes, they were fantastic and really helped me prepare. But also, the couples workshop was so good as it meant my husband really understood what it was all about and how he could help - he was so good during the birth and knew how to calm me down when there was a hint of panic (which did happen a couple of times when I realised how quickly it was all happening!) .

Thank you so much and I can’t recommend your course highly enough - I’m a total hypnobirthing convert!

As you know, I did do some with my first pregnancy, but with hindsight, I realised that I hadn’t really fully committed to it and because I didn’t actually do any practice at home, I was in a place where it could only help me so much. This time around, I really took it seriously - with lots of home practice - and it paid off.


I wanted to write to let you know that I gave birth to our baby girl a week ahead of schedule. The delivery was very straightforward, and that is in large part thanks to the techniques you taught me.

I had had a couple of days of thinking 'this is it... no, false alarm' that week, so when I did start labour on Sunday evening, I just thought it was another false alarm and got in the bath. I put on the Katherine Graves affirmations and mediation. About 8 pm, I noticed an intensification to the discomfort I was in (something a bit like period pain) and realised these must be surges. I started timing them and I got a bit frightened by the discomfort and cried out, but realised I had to get a hold on the situation and did some deep up breaths which rode out the surges really effectively, and then blubbery lips. I also had lavender oil to smell, which I'd been using in association with the meditations, and that was great for comfort. I had no pain relief at home except your techniques.

Over the phone, the hospital had said that as we're first time parents, to wait until we'd done a couple of hours of surges 2-3 mins apart. We managed 30 mins of 2 min surges, and I really wanted to push, so we called again. They asked if my waters had broken, and as they had, we were invited in.

For delivery, I used gas and air. That was 1 am. I could feel the baby moving down and suddenly felt really positive that we were nearly there. The midwife stayed the whole time, managing the stretching and no one joined or disturbed us. She was very quiet and gently encouraging, we didn't quite know just how close to meeting our daughter we were and to feel the baby was descending, was amazing. At 02.05, she was born.

Your instruction really helped prepare me. The yoga class provided a space for me to think about being pregnant, to get out of my daily preoccupations and reflect on the amazing processes at work in my body. Doing two terms really cemented the moves in my mind so they were easy to retrieve in labour. And I can't recommend your couple's class enough. The meditations worked wonders for us, and I think took the pressure off my partner having to think of something to say or a variation on 'you're doing really well'.

I know my experience is fundamentally one of dumb luck and biology. But it was so empowering to have the postures, affirmations and mediation to stay as calm as possible in a really extraordinary situation.

Many thanks, Jayne, it was wonderful learning from you.


Fantastic classes would highly recommend to all pregnant women and couples looking to feel empowered and positive about birth! I attended both the pregnancy yoga & hypnobirthing classes, plus the couples calm birth class with my partner. The hypnobirthing element has been absolutely amazing in preparing me and my partner for birth. Rather than feeling anxious, fearful and overwhelmed (which I was before I started the classes), with 2 weeks to go to my due date I now feel positive, calm and completely prepared for labour. The yoga element has been excellent for helping me physically during pregnancy and preparing my body for labour. I was experiencing a lot of pelvic girdle pain and practising yoga in class and at home has really helped alleviate and manage the pain. Combined with the hypnobirthing makes complete sense as it helps to prepare you both physically and mentally. My partner and I attended the couples calm birth workshop towards the end of the pregnancy and this really brought all the elements I had learnt throughout the classes together. It empowered my partner to feel confident about his crucial role during labour and how he can best support me and baby during such a special event. I can't recommend these classes highly enough. Jayne has been absolutely fantastic, going above and beyond to not only deliver excellent sessions but also being a font of knowledge for pregnancy and labour, sharing really useful information, books to read, music, relaxations, advice and tips. It is clear that Jayne is passionate about calm birthing and cares deeply about the women and couples attending the sessions. (And to top it all off, I've made some lovely mums-to-be friends in the local area, what more could you want).

Our baby boy was born weighing 9lb 15 and I had an amazing labour! The night before, I did an extended yoga session in my room, I really engaged with it and went to bed fully relaxed. I woke at 3 am with some waters leaking and then an hour later my surges began to come and go so we headed into the hospital to ensure we made it there in time! As soon as we got there my surges were more frequent and more intense so I was breathing and moving around a lot. I am delighted to tell you that I was laughing and smiling too which felt so empowering! I trusted my body, I trusted my baby. My husband massaged my back, I lunged, squatted, leaned, constantly making figures of eight and ultimately was up on the bed leaning on the raised pillow end. I really did breathe him out! I was determined not to push and cause any damage and it really felt like the perfect labour that I’d always hoped for, all thanks to you and all you’ve shown and taught me.

No painkillers, no stitches and I was calm and empowered until the end!

It was amazing. I cannot express how much your classes have helped me to trust my body and remain calm. My first labour was great but this one was perfect I couldn’t have wished for more! You’ve made the biggest difference to my journey becoming a mother, thank you.

Following your advice and being hugely inspired I continued on a hypnobirthing journey and can say with absolute joy that I experienced the most wonderful natural water birth to my little boy. He was 8lbs, 7 so quite a chunk. The midwife commented on how she thought she’d witnessed a “textbook” hypno-birth". It truly was empowering.

Just a quick email to say thank you my little one was born by natural birth. I used all the techniques we learnt in the classes and the workshop and it worked like magic, I went to the hospital at 11 pm and the baby was born at 6 am, the midwife was amazed and how quickly everything went for a first-time mother. I mainly used squats, walked a lot and figure 8 through surges. My husband helped with relaxation and visualisations. I only had 2 paracetamols as pain relief! I am very grateful for all your teaching as gave me the confidence to aim for a totally natural birth. All the girls out there, continue to use hypnobirthing and these techniques because they work! 

I really enjoy your classes. It was just good luck to find you on my path! You've changed the way I look at labour.

Our little boy has arrived, and...I smiled through labour!!! Admittedly not through the whole of labour but between contractions I was busy blubbering my lips, doing figures of 8, going on tiptoes and SMILING! It was an amazing birth, no pain relief just my yoga music, breathing, a focused mind and a tens machine. I cannot thank you enough for teaching me the skills that equipped me for such a positive and truly wonderful birth. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

A big thank you for all your teachings, help and advice in the hypnobirthing and yoga classes. Our baby girl was born 2 weeks ago, after a very quick induction and fast labour. I didn't have time for any medical pain relief so the breathing techniques really saved me and helped me focus and stay calm. I'm so glad I took the classes, as what you learn is invaluable as well as meeting some really lovely other mums to be. Thanks again!

On Saturday we had our baby girl just over a week early! We went in because I was having contractions 3/4 minutes apart and had a show but the nurse felt my cervix was really high, so was almost going to send me home. I was on medication for high bp, and my bp was high so she asked me to walk around for an hour outside then come back to check. So I did lots of walking and breathing. Then waters broke when I came back, then half an hour later she came to get me from the waiting room and she looked and I was crowning!! So the nurse ended up rushing me over to the labour ward and delivering the baby herself, where I was instantly in full blown active labour for just 100 minutes. Crazy!!!! I had no time for any pain medication at all, just had two paracetamol. We arrive at the hospital maybe 2.40/3, and she was born at 6.50 am.

My partner said I was still doing the breathing through labour he was good at reminding me to do down breathing instead of pushing. He also put on some nice yoga music which I had tuned in for months to be my focus. I think your course was amazing at tuning the mind, great life skills for everything!!

Our little boy was born weighing 7lbs 5oz. I was induced at 38 weeks due to slowed blood flow in my placenta following reduced foetal movement. I focused on my up breath during the induction process and just kept thinking that I would meet our little boy soon which definitely helped! My body reacted quite quickly to the induction process and the next morning I started feeling slightly crampy. This built up quite quickly and by lunchtime, the surges were particularly strong. During this time I was still on the ward and used various techniques to cope with the surges. I found movement on the birthing ball particularly helpful and also the use of a tens machine. I ended up using a combination of pushing and breathing he decided to come out arm first (like Superman) which the midwife said was why he took a little longer to make his way down.

Although the birth was not what I had expected in terms of being induced and not having a water birth, I was extremely proud as I didn’t have any pain relief (tried the gas and air but this made me sick).

The couples hypnobirthing workshop definitely helped during my delivery as my husband was able to remind me of the breathing techniques and use the birthing affirmations I found helpful during my pregnancy. He was also very calm and positive during the process which helped when I found myself becoming more anxious. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and would definitely recommend it! Thank you, Jayne, for all your help and support and for the little pep talk the day of my induction!

Our baby boy arrived on Saturday at St. Thomas’ Hospital weighing 3.3kg. We were back home less than 24 hrs later and are doing very well. Used the breathing techniques with just gas and air as there was no time for anything else... thank you so much for the course.

The Hypnobirthing and your pregnancy yoga were the training I needed to get me through labour and birth!
I’d definitely recommend women practice breathing and the movements that resonate with them too like you always suggest.

Movements that worked for me were:
On a mat, kneeling and lying over a big ball, either rolling back and forth using the ball whilst bending my feet so the balls were on the mat during a contraction or resting after a contraction over the ball and relaxing my feet. It also helped keep my breathing more relaxed. 
As the contractions intensified, all I could think was soft cervix, soft cervix, and so kept on my toes, switching between legs, and hung over our bed or downstairs over our sofa. Like the ball, in between contractions, it meant I could rest over both, and had a towel for wiping my hands and face as needed or covered my eyes and head. 
The other main thing I did was the ehhh’s and ahhh’s we always practiced every session. Who knew that’s what would come to me!
All that kept coming to was, relaxed jaw and mouth = soft cervix! So it turns out as a contraction built up, I kept my mouth and jaw as soft as possible by saying out loud ehh and ahh, and making shapes with my face which were more like smiles, and as I was told later by the midwife, pretty much sang my way through contractions until the morning when my waters finally broke!

I’m sure focusing on keeping my face as relaxed as possible via making sounds, and the shape of my face (the smile! Albeit exaggerated!), and being on my toes greatly helped in relaxing my cervix. I also recollect using the figure of 8 and going up and down stairs.

I didn’t have any stitches! Our experienced midwife called me, ‘Supermama’. And I felt like one!

I also know that my Access Bars journey up to the birth changed everything for me I would absolutely recommend Access to all pregnant women!

So lovely Jayne, thank you for all your training, help, and positivity, it has been invaluable.

Good news I had a baby girl on early hours of Saturday morning, she was 12 days over. I didn't need to be induced in the end which is great.

Labour started at 4 am on Friday and we had the hypnobirthing pack ready that you gave us from the workshop to help my husband and I use the best methods. I used the yoga ball, tens machine and kept standing being mobile as per the notes for stage 1. The best pose was the figure of 8, I could do this without my husband and sometimes with him. He found the birth partner notes so useful and kept me feed and watered, calm etc. We only left the house when we were ready, he made sure I didn't go into early and when we got there I was already 4/5cm.

We used gas and air and when the pool was ready we were placed in the pool. The pool didn't work for us, I was doing better walking doing the figure of 8 than being in the pool, I was pushing in the pool for too long. After a few hours we realised this by then it was getting to a long labour and I needed some rest. I had a morphine shot to catch some sleep and started back on tens, figure of 8, standing and was ready to push pretty quickly. I pushed for 1 hour to have our baby, using down breathe mainly. Due to this considering, I had pushed earlier as well I had hardly any tearing down below, they just had to put in one small stitch.

They said that it was amazing that my body was able to do that, the practising the down breathing made such a difference as well as perineal massages.

I was in and out of the hospital in less than 48hrs

I'm so glad we went on your course as this ensured we had the natural birth we wanted.

I wanted to write to let you know that I gave birth to our baby girl a week ahead of schedule. The delivery was very straightforward, and that is in large part thanks to the techniques you taught me.

I had had a couple of days of thinking 'this is it... no, false alarm' that week, so when I did start labour on Sunday evening, I just thought it was another false alarm and got in the bath. I put on the Katherine Graves affirmations and mediation. About 8pm, I noticed an intensification to the discomfort I was in (something a bit like period pain) and realised these must be surges. I started timing them and I got a bit frightened by the discomfort and cried out, but realised I had to get a hold on the situation and did some deep up breaths which rode out the surges really effectively, and then blubbery lips. I also had lavender oil to smell, which I'd been using in association with the meditations, and that was great for comfort. I had no pain relief at home except your techniques.

Over the phone, the hospital had said that as we're first time parents, to wait until we'd done a couple of hours of surges 2-3 mins apart. We managed 30 mins of 2 min surges, and I really wanted to push, so we called again. They asked if my waters had broken, and as they had, we were invited in.

For delivery I used gas and air. That was 1am. I could feel the baby moving down, and suddenly felt really positive that we were nearly there. The midwife stayed the whole time, managing the stretching and no one joined or disturbed us. She was very quiet and gently encouraging, we didn't quite know just how close to meeting our daughter we were and to feel the baby was descending, was amazing. At 02.05, she was born.

Your instruction really helped prepare me. The yoga class provided a space for me to think about being pregnant, to get out of my daily preoccupations and reflect on the amazing processes at work in my body. Doing two terms really cemented the moves in my mind so they were easy to retrieve in labour. And I can't recommend your couple's class enough. The meditations worked wonders for us, and I think took the pressure off my partner having to think of something to say, or a variation on 'you're doing really well'.

I know my experience is fundamentally one of dumb luck and biology. But it was so empowering to have the postures, affirmations and mediation to stay as calm as possible in a really extraordinary situation.

Many thanks, Jayne, it was wonderful learning from you.

Our baby was born on his due date healthy and happy. We had a home birth and he was birthed in the birthing pool. The night before I did not sleep one wink, my body must have been preparing itself. I tossed and turned and wondered why I couldn’t sleep at all. Then about mid-morning I started getting mild surges and they continued throughout the day. My partner and I just chilled out, watched TV and went for a walk. I remember thinking if these are the surges during labour, then they are so easy, I don’t know what women complain about. At 7:30pm my waters broke. It was like a pop feeling inside me during one of the surges and I walked to the bathroom and realised they had broke. We called the midwife at around 7:45pm and she said to get some rest and she will see me in the morning (I was due to see her anyway). By 8pm the intensity of the surges went from zero to hero and I wasn’t even getting a break in between them. My partner rang the midwives back and said they needed to come now, he rushed downstairs to fill up the pool. I got into the bath in the meantime and at about 9pm he careful maneuvered me down the stairs to the pool. The heat immediately relieved the intensity of the surges. The midwives arrived at 10pm and by 11:30pm our son was born. My mantra throughout the labour was “just go with the flow” and I reminded myself that this is natural, primal, and to just go along with it. I was a bit scared as I had never experienced it before and a few times I forgot my breathing but the midwives, who were totally supportive of my hypnobirthing would gently remind me to go back to my breathing and that helped me to get back into the zone. I was very lucky to have such amazing midwives who were pro home birthing and pro hypnobirthing. The best part about having a home birth was that I got to have a shower in my own bathroom and get into my own bed afterwards with our new son. I really enjoyed the birth of our baby and I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was intense and surreal and I was in shock for a while afterwards as it all happened quite fast but I loved it and wouldn’t change anything for the world. Thank you so much for everything that you taught us. Because of you and your class we had the most amazing birth something I will treasure for the rest of my life. We honestly didn’t expect to have the dream birth we were preparing for and I half thought I would be induced as he seemed quite content in there lol. Thank you once again...

Just wanted to let you know that on Tuesday 18th September at 6.50am I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl. The week before I had seen the consultant who had said she wanted to induce me on Monday because the baby was already weighing 8lbs 8 and it would be too dangerous for me to carry her to 40 weeks. I declined the induction, which she wasn’t very happy with, but I completely believed that my body knew what it was doing. I had a reflexology apt on the Monday and surges started at about 5pm. We had a lovely evening watching some calming nature programmes and had a BBQ. I did loads of breathing, listened to your sound cloud and did some relaxations with my husband before heading into the hospital at about 2am. I was in the pool for a bit and had some gas & air and continued to focus on my breathing, with amazing help from my husband. I got very tired and at about 5.30 I had the muscle relaxer injection which allowed me to rest for a little bit and then I woke up with a sudden and definitive urge to push so I got on my hands and knees on the floor and did my down breathing with a little bit of pushing and she was out less than an hour later and I didn’t need any stitches. It was perfect, my husband and mum were in absolute awe of how calm I was throughout and are fully convinced that it was down to the Hypnobirthing so I cannot thank you enough for all your help over the last few months. I will definitely be recommending it to anyone and everyone that is having a baby! Thank you again.

Just to let you know I will not be attending class today, as my baby girl was born yesterday morning. My partner and I are both thrilled and the midwifes said it was the best labour they had the opportunity to witness. The techniques you taught me were the bases of my coping with the contractions and labour. I used the breathing method you taught in class and had no assistance until 8cm dilated ( gas and air) which I barley used. For the Labour I was on all fours and then used the end of the bed for support. I used the method you taught rather than pushing. Your classes were amazing and you are correct listen to the body as it knows how to birth your baby and baby knows the birth journey. Once again Jayne thank for everything.

I had my daughter on Tuesday evening and her birth was completely amazing! I used music from class and the all-fours and standing-figure-8 rocking positions with up breath when surges started at 6pm. Well, I think all that Oxycontin generation did its job, because things rapidly progressed from there and she was born in a birth centre pool at 8.57pm! I again chose not to push and instead focused on down breath, and again was lucky enough not to need any stitches despite the fact that she is half a kilo bigger than my first daughter. It really was a dream birth – I almost can’t believe it. She was alert with eyes open and didn’t cry at all. As you say- she knew how to be born and just got on with it! Many thanks for your classes and your support.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at 32 weeks. Despite being on the bed hooked up to the monitor I was still able to use the up breathing and affirmation through my surges to keep going. I had a natural birth without any gas or air or drugs (no induction or breaking the waters). My surges started at 7am on examination at 9am I was 3cm the doctors were ready to take me in for a c section but my body and baby had other ideas. Since the surges were causing distress they gave me an injection to slow the contraction but it was unfortunate as a split second after the injection my water broke naturally and I went straight from 3cm to 10cm and was ready for stage 2 to delivery. As the contractions had reduced I used the hypno-breath more to push him out and I think this saved me from getting tired. They had to use forceps once in between, then it was all my breathing and baby. From my water breaking to baby being born was less than 20 mins. I was talking to the midwives and doctors after delivery my little boy and they were very surprised how calm and relaxed I was despite everything and I told them it was down to yoga and hypnobirthing. The main consultant/ midwives didn’t really interfere despite everything they just guided me on what to do and I used everything learnt in class to get me through. So thank you so much for everything and as you say it’s the breathing and controlling the mind the body knows what to do...

I just wanted to send a quick note to say we welcomed our little girl a big/long healthy bundle (8lb 14). I honestly can’t thank you enough for your teaching. I managed to cope extremely well on the hormone drip with continuous monitoring (waters broke but I presented with a fever at the day unit even though I felt fine and raring to go!) I found myself doing tippy toes, catwalk and lots of swaying/figures of eight. In fact, I stayed on my feet pretty much the whole time!! I kept repeating “I go with the flow” and “when I relax, I let go” and found myself going on a trip down a river through the tougher surges. I worked with gas and air and my tens machine. I can’t tell you how many doctors and midwives expressed surprise that I was coping with breathwork, gas and air and tens! No drama/screaming etc. We had an excellent, defensive midwife who batted off any inquiries and let me stay in the zone without me or my husband even needing to say anything. She read the room so well! Delivery went well but I had quite a bad haemorrhage. Being completely loved up and so calm (even smiling and laughing between pushes - I kid you not), was invaluable as the medical squad got to work. So many of the team expressed amazement at how I handled the labour. One even said she’d only seen 2 other women cope without an epidural for a ramped-up hormonal drip in 10 years practice! It’s a true testament to hypnobirthing that I say I’d do it all again! Hopefully with the aid of your classes in the future!

I’ve finally got around to messaging you about my daughter’s birth, born on her due date 5 July ! I always loved to hear others birth stories so wanted to share mine with you too. After a bit of drama whilst in labour getting to the hospital (taxi there and our chosen hospital was full so we had to go to one we had never been to), I felt so calm and not at all phased about this, which I put down to my breathing and having a sense of calm. When we got to hospital the midwife said she didn’t think I was dilated enough but agreed to examine me (as I was anxious about going back and forward to hospital in taxi /2 hour trip there and back). When she examined me she was surprised to find I was further along then she thought (I put this down to hypnobirthing!) so we were admitted. As you know my husband and I came to your couple class too along with me coming to the weekly yoga classes. I was amazed by how much I got from my husband talking through the calming words you provided in the class and also the positive affirmations. I felt such a sense of calm when he talked through these (and admittedly I didn’t expect beforehand to like these during Labour so I fully recommend an open mind to anyone). I got so much from the breathing and used up breath a lot. When it came to pushing I also used the down breath as the urge to push was unbelievable! I tried to move around a lot and liked figure of 8, standing on tip toes and making birth canal as small as possible. In terms of the Labour… I was in Labour for around 8 hours and used a tens machine, getting into the birthing pool when I was fully dilated at which point I also started with gas and air.. My attitude was to delay the pain relief as long as possible so I had somewhere to go to when it got really intense, which is why the delay with taking gas and air. After an hour or so pushing in the pool and baby not coming I got out the pool and had my little girl about 15 minutes later whilst on my knees. I can’t recommend your class and the couples workshop to others enough. All the very best to all your mummies to be and to you. Thanks for helping my birth to be amazing. Xx Workshop referenced here

I wanted to thank you for all the training and advice and positive energy that you are sharing with the pregnant ladies in the classes. I gave a birth to my little boy my water broke at 6 am in the morning and 11 hours and 22 min after our son was born. Natural birth using only paracetamol and gas. They tried to send me home twice as they were sure I am not in pain to the extend they need to take me seriously. I think it’s thanks to the training that I received during your classes. The book also helped me a lot. I hope all is well and I wish you all the best and maybe we meet again one day! Best of luck and Big Thank You! Book referenced

Just wanted to let you know that we had a little girl last Friday. She’s perfect! We had a wonderful natural homebirth and couldn’t have asked for a better experience.I just wanted to say thank you for teaching me techniques that got me through the labour to give birth to my little girl naturally with no intervention and no tearing. Through the whole labour I used the up breath as well as affirmation “-as I relax I let go”. I found it very useful going up onto tip toes and back down again through surges, the figure of 8 whilst relaxing. When it came to the second stage, my body did all the work. I did some low deep humming as well as down breath. I pictured opening my pelvis. I also blubbered my lips in between the more intense surges. From start to finish my labour was 24 hours and I’m very thankful for what you taught me that I was able to do it at home without intervention. What an amazing experience!!!

I wanted to let you know I won’t be at yoga today as our little boy made his appearance last week! We were booked in for an induction after some episodes of reduced foetal movement. However, whilst waiting on the antenatal ward for the doctor to see is, at 7pm I started contracting naturally. Within an hour they were 3 minutes apart. I don’t think the midwife believed me as I able to remain calm and in control due to the techniques I’ve learnt with you. When a doctor finally came to us, I was 4 cm dilated and my waters broke during the examination! We had to be constantly monitored through the labour, but I was adamant I didn’t want to be on the bed, so the amazing midwives at St Thomas’s helped me use the wireless monitor. My partner used lots of techniques from your birthing workshop, reminding me to use my breathing and repeating affirmations. I was advised to use bottoms up at the final part of labour to slow him down, and delivered him on all fours 11 hours after my first surge! And I didn’t use pain relief! So thank you so much for all your help and advice over the past 20 weeks or so-you played a huge role in allowing me to have the birth I wanted. Thank you again, and hopefully see you with number 2! 

Hope you’re well. I won’t be coming to tonight’s class after all… our little baby girl was born (very quickly!) on Saturday evening – 10 days early, and the day after finishing work! I’m so grateful that I was able to have a natural and uncomplicated birth. My contractions started at 9.30am on Saturday. I didn’t think it was labour to begin with – they just felt like constipation pains (not period pains that I’d expected to feel in the early stages). I also didn’t think it could be labour, as the contractions pretty much came five minutes apart from the very beginning – not every 20-30 minutes as I’d expected. After a couple of hours I started to think that perhaps this was labour, but kept telling myself it was probably just braxton hicks! Despite not believing it, I did start very early on to breathe through the surges – thought that it could only help. And it helped massively. I actually also breathed in-between contractions as a way to keep me calm and relaxed throughout the morning, and used affirmations. Within a few hours the contractions were about 3 minutes apart and about 50 seconds long, so we went to the hospital – still half expecting to be told to go back home! By the time I was assessed, I was already 6cm dilated. I was told to expect things to take about another 5-6 hours. But our baby disagreed (it only took another 40 minutes from there!). While waiting for our room to be prepared, the contractions got really strong and close together. I continued to use down-breathing, and also bending slightly over and swaying my hips/using figure of eight, which was really comforting. Oddly, I also felt during the contractions the urge to sway on my toes (the ‘cat walk’ move you showed us). Still in triage, I started to feel an urge to push. Remembering your advice about bottoms up, I got down on hands and knees on the floor, thinking calmly that it was just the baby moving down, but the pressure didn’t ease at all, so I can only assume she’d already passed that stage of the journey. Not long after getting to the birthing suite, my waters broke and the pressure below was immense. Still don’t think the midwives believed me – my partner even had to go and find someone to help! I then asked for gas and air, but was told it was too late as our baby would soon be here. They barely had time to fill up the birthing pool – but I made it into the water in time – and a few contractions later she was here! My over-riding sense of the whole experience was that my body was absolutely the one in control – and it really didn’t need me to do anything (in fact, I felt that there wasn’t much I could do except let it happen, as it was so forceful throughout). I struggled to use the down breaths in the later stage, despite trying very hard – felt like my body was doing what was needed and the pressure/pushing was happening completely on its own. I actually feel that apart from my up-breathing, my body didn’t need me at all! I can’t thank you enough, Jayne, for your classes and all the guidance and support you’ve given. In my early months of pregnancy I was very anxious, and also fearful of labour. Your classes helped enormously to relax me, to help me truly believe that pregnancy and birth are the most natural things in the world, and that “my body knows how to birth my body” – me and my mind just had to get out its way! I had been using affirmations throughout pregnancy and practice at home, and I don’t think it’s a co-incidence that this affirmation was always the one that resonated and reassured me most, and it seems to sum up my baby’s birth so perfectly. My experience also showed me that it’s really true when they say that every pregnancy and birth is different. I was expecting to have my first baby late, and for it to take hours/days. Really do think that the midwives also believed that, and were surprised things progressed so quickly for us. I’m in no doubt that the down-breaths throughout EVERYTHING made things go so smoothly and quickly – and helped to keep me calm (perhaps another reason the midwives seemed quite un-reactive at first). Thank you again Jayne. I really am so very grateful for the way you and your classes helped prepare me, and, I really believe, had such a strong and positive influence over the birth itself (even if things did happen too quickly yoga to use any of the other positions!). I could not recommend your hypnobirthing techniques high enough. Your partner calm birth workshop also helped my husband too – and he did an absolutely amazing job at keeping me calm throughout everything, and being the one to talk to the midwives. Just knowing that he was there for me and doing everything in his power to help me, made the world of difference. The three of us are loving being at home together and getting to know each other. I hope this email and my experience helps the other ladies. Please do wish them all well with their births and babies. Take care, and thanks again.

She arrived!! I started with you at 20 weeks and carried on because I loved your sessions so much! I hadn’t done yoga before nor had I intended to learn about hypnobirthing but very quickly I was completely engaged in the philosophy and practise you were teaching. I used your breathing and movement techniques daily and my husband even began to join in! We regularly fell asleep to your sound cloud recordings at night and my birth plan was full of your suggestions and ideas. My labour started well and I got to 8cm at home; I ironed and hung curtains, oiled the kitchen surfaces and danced along to the radio! I used a TENs machine initially but once I got to hospital things progressed quickly and I forgot to move it past stage 4! I was active throughout and lunged, squatted and was on all fours. It was tough towards the end! But the breathing we practised was incredibly helpful as were the visualisations. I can’t believe how it felt when she came out, such a magical experience and being a mummy is already the best and most rewarding feeling in the world. Thank you for all your support, I really cannot express how much you helped me throughout my pregnancy and labour, I wish that everyone could come to your sessions! They don’t know what they’re missing out on!

Wanted to let you know about the arrival of our baby boy! He turned up 5 days early on 18 April , after 5 days of easy early labour contractions – then my waters broke at 11pm and he was here by 3:30am! Had a water birth (although was delayed getting in as the midwife didn’t believe I was in established labour) and then had to get out at the very end for an episiotomy! But otherwise it was a very quick (and relatively easy) birth! Did lots of yoga and relaxation in the first 5 days, and then breathed the hell out of it after waters broke. I used a tens machine at the beginning – tried gas and air but it made me sick – and so just used the water for relief thereafter. Thank you so much for all your help with yoga and hypnobirthing- it definitely got me through! And kept me calm despite the midwives not believing me and also voicing all their concerns/uncertainties throughout my labour!!!!! They admitted it went quicker than they anticipated so they seemed to be fighting fires rather than being in control! But fortunately my body knew what it was doing and my head let it! Thank you so much again! Would definitely recommend you to all expectant mothers!

Just to say thank you so much for your classes and the soundcloud! I gave birth to a baby boy on 24 May. I was induced the 2 days before after some repeated reduce fetal movements. It meant that during active labour I was being monitored and had to be on the bed which wasn’t ideal! However I really used the breathing methods and affirmations to help get through. I also found what we’d learnt in class invaluable during the lengthy induction process. I shall be recommending your class to all my future pregnant friends  Soundcloud referenced 
soundcloud link

Our daughter arrived the labour was a great experience everything evolved rapidly and our baby girl came in 4 hours (with no interventions or any pain relief). I didn’t have the opportunity to use all the techniques as everything happened at such accelerated pace but did the ‘hip’ movement to soothe my contractions in the beginning. I made lots of Darth Vader sounds during the final stages of labour. The yoga sessions gave me confidence in giving birth in a natural way so thank you so much for the great experience. I felt totally in control, surrendered to the process and followed my instincts.

Just letting you know I won’t be at yoga today… we had our little girl a few days early. I had a natural delivery… just used the birthing pool and gas and air. I used a lot of up-breath and ‘bottoms up’ really helped. I’ve really enjoyed your classes, thanks so much for all of your help..

You might have noticed if I was a little out of sorts in yesterday. Turns out, my waters broke during the class (& I didn’t recognise this!) and I went into labour later and had baby boy by 3 am!! Blimey, quite a surprise, very quick, natural, relatively easy, and used our class tips. So thank you very much!

Just wanted to drop you an email to say Thank you!! Our baby girl was born on the 27th December at 6.10 am. She arrived 2 days before due date, and the day before my husbands birthday!  She weighted 8,9. My water broke at 8pm the night before, the surges started at 9.30 pm. So the whole labour to birth was less than 9 hours. It was a natural birth, I had Ruby at home. I used just the upbreath and a tens machine for pretty much the whole birth. It was all so quick- the midwife thought I had longer to go as I was so calm on the phone! She arrived just at the birthing part, so just had gas and air for the last 2 hours.  Giving birth has always been one of my biggest fears in life, as I’ve always heard negative stories. I’m so grateful I found your class online, it’s the first positive birthing experience I’d heard about, it encouraged me to explore more about positive birthing and having a Home birth. I know all the Yoga I’ve done and keeping active till due date ( I cooked everyone Christmas dinner on Christmas Day- 10 people!) have all prepared my body. I’m so glad I joined your class!

I just wanted to say thank you so so much for the classes. I think they made my pregnancy much more relaxed and birth easier. We gave birth to our baby girl this morning (Dec 26) at home, very smoothly and quickly before the midwife or ambulance could get there (we did have our doula present for the last 40 mins). Whole thing was 6 hours and we were lying in bed for 4 of those. I found the up breath and horsey lips really really helpful. And having practiced positions made that much more instinctive. I was on the toilet for a lot of it and then kneeling with my head resting on the side of the bath. Thanks so much!

Today we welcomed our baby girl into the world! My labour was very long (48 hours) but wonderful. I was using upbreath for all contractions up to the end. It was a natural birth, I spent a lot of time in the pool and gave birth in kneeling position and on one knee egg in the cup next to the pool in a very comfortable “nest”. I used gas and air and was breathing long and slow which helped with surges and put me in the right mindset. I am very grateful for your course. I would not be so calm and relaxed during birth if I did not take the classes. My midwife said that she does not see very often woman with 7cm eating granola bar and laughing around the room. “As I relax I let go” was my aspiration during labour. I wish you a Happy New Year and many more births that you made wonderful by making us believe that we can do it! I hope that all in our class will birth their babies with ease! 

Just to let you know our baby arrived at 7.26pm on Thursday last week in the evening 3 days after being induced (I was diagnosed with OC so they brought things forward). It was a long 3 days and not quite how we planned it being an induction, but the hypnobirthing really helped to get us through it – the music and visualisations really helped me to relax during the process whilst we waited for my waters to break. And in fact it was after lunch on Wednesday afternoon that my husband did your script with me, and I fell asleep listening to the hypnobirthing music that 1 hour later I woke because my waters had broken! Definitely had made me relax! I then had 18 hours of intense surges overnight and every time one happened I did the breathing techniques you taught and my husband did the visualisations with me too which was incredibly helpful to focus my mind. I had a TENS machine too, and the combination worked well for me. Unfortunately I hadn’t progressed very well After the 18 hours so we went ahead with the hormone drip and epidural, and again, even though this wasn’t what we hoped the hypnobirthing was amazingly helpful at keeping me calm and helping me to go with the flow during the process. Especially after not having slept for over 30 hours and feeling anxious about the interventions! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that all is well and how great the hypnobirthing was in getting us all through it in a calm and peaceful way as possible. It was so lovely to meet you! And I really appreciate all the support and guidance you gave us over the Past few months. Huge thank you”

I had my little boy on 20th Dec (41+1) I had vaginal birth. I got to 10cm purely using breathing, various positions and being active all the time, plus I used tens machine throughout the whole process. Once I started dilating I got to full dilation in 5 hours. And 1 hour of actual labour baby was born and I couldn’t be more happy, as the moment of giving birth to him was absolutely magical!Also, my partner was amazing during the whole process, doing breathing and positions with me, suggesting what to do next, he really took control of the situation and I was really pleased he fully participated in everything.  Thank you Jayne for your sharing wisdom and support with us throughout this pregnancy, I learnt so much in your class and couldn’t have done it without you!

I have some fantastic news to share our baby girl was born on the 6th December. The birth was very calm and so was my baby I only gas & air was used. The hypnobirthing breathing methods and techniques learnt during class were invaluable. Thank you!

Thanks for the great workshop on Sunday, my partner came along very skeptical and left seeming very enthusiastic!

Our little boy was born it was a natural vaginal birth, without perineal damage, forceps or any kind of dramatic intervention. Very happy and empowering. Thank you for everything!

Our little boy decided to make a surprise early appearance! I wanted to thank you so much for everything I had learned in the classes. I used so much of it – breathing, poses, positive mantras, and we had a great natural birth with only gas and air. My waters broke before active labour and my husband was abroad so I did the early stages on my own as I was in Brighton! Then when he arrived back and joined me things accelerated beautifully. Thank you so very much!

Just a quick note to let you know that our little baby girl arrived naturally yesterday after a relatively smooth and quick drug-free water birth. All of the techniques you taught us helped so much, in particular the relaxation and affirmations so thank you so much!! I really enjoyed your classes and really appreciate all of your expert advice – if only I’d known all of this last time!

Just thought I’d let you know I had my baby today. My surges started around 4am and I visualised the balloons coming towards me and told myself I was grateful for the surge as it meant my baby was coming to me. We called a taxi at 7.45 and she was born at 8.30am! All very quick and no pain relief, just slow breathing and positive thinking!! Thank you so much for the tips and tools to get me through it”

Our baby boy was born on Monday 21st August weighing 3.670 kg by c-section. The techniques I learnt with you helped me to cope with the surges and to focus during the c-section. I’d like to thank you for the amazing classes; I enjoyed each one of them!

Just to let you know that our baby girl was born on Sunday 6th August weighing 8lb 8oz. The classes were really helpful, I used the techniques in the first stage of labour on Sunday morning (I was doing a puzzle and had breakfast between contractions). My waters broke at 12pm and I took 2 paracetamols to get through the hospital drive.  I arrived at hospital at 12:30pm and I was assessed after delays about 1pm. I was wheeled to the delivery ward and my baby arrived within 14 minutes 1:24pm. I found the second stage of labour more difficult, I think because everything happened so fast and I’d ended up in a bed; the midwife was telling me to breathe and not push I did remember all of your reasoning behind this. However, I was discharged in time for dinner on Sunday evening! Thank you for your lovely classes and should I conceive baby number 3 in the future, I hope to see you again.

Our little boy decided that he was going to come early (after 48 hrs of a slow leak of the waters) and so was delivered last night by c section 7lb 13 ozs (37 weeks + 6 days). Just wanted to say thank you for the yoga, it was incredibly helpful staying calm in the theatre. Particularly when they were doing the spinal block which was the bit when nerves really kicked in, it also helped being able to curve my back due to the yoga and this meant the block went in first time. The hehehehe breathing was great to get me focused and was then able to calm down and breathe normally and deeply. The birth was a lovely calm affair with my husband sat beside me. Our baby has been one of the calmest on the labour ward and I really put that down to being able to be relaxed and calm for the birth / post birth, which the yoga helped with greatly. Thank you!

Our little boy was born on 4th July 7.8lbs (not so small after all!) I spent quite a long time in latent labour at home (I was listening to your music, focusing on my breathing and listening to the guided relaxations). I found walking and doing the figure of 8 with my hips very helpful and relaxing. By the time I got to the hospital I was 7cm dilated and it was straight to the birthing pool. I spent a good couple of hours in the pool and all was going well until my waters broke and the midwife became concerned there was meconium in my waters. My plan changed significantly – although I was fully dilated my contractions slowed (as we know because of the stress of being told there was an issue). I ended up in the labour ward and baby was born by ventouse. I did manage to avoid any drugs just using gas and air. We’re happy to be home, safe and well. Your class was truly invaluable to me. Thank you for all your support and kindness.

Our little girl arrived on Saturday 17th June at 8Ibs 9oz after a 13 hour labour start to finish!! She was born in the birthing pool at the midwife led unit in our hospital using gas & air and it was themost empowering, magical and amazing experience I’ve ever had in my life! I went into labour at 1am on Saturday morning and by the time the sun rose the surges were getting stronger and closer together. I spent the next few hours plugged up to my TENS machine and doing various poses we did in class and my favourite took me all the way to her birth. I used all of the affirmations we did in class. By the time we got to hospital at 12pm I was 6cm. My waters broke around 1:30pm (things happened super quick!), I got into the birthing pool then and minutes later my body pushed baby out before I even knew what was happening. I felt so present during her birth and to be able to have such a perfect and magical first birth is something I always dreamt about and something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Thank you for helping to make this the most perfect experience and memory. It was the best day of my life and I’ve been raving to all my friends about it – now they just need to have babies too and come to your classes haha!

On the 19th August at exactly 38 weeks my waters broke at 4.30am. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I wasn’t panicked or scared I was excited and relieved, I had really wanted a natural birth with my waters breaking naturally and it was a great feeling. My midwife from the homebirth team came to check for the heartbeat and make sure all was well because of the extra fluid my cord might have been at risk of rupture. She rang the hospital for us so they would be expecting us. The contractions started a few minutes later and seemed to get stronger quite quickly. We had to quickly re pack my hospital bag as we wasn’t quite prepared. After dropping my son to my mum and dad’s we arrived at Mayday at 6am and I was 7cm! In the car I had kept my eyes closed and focused on my breathing and pictured the balloons, even imagining you taking to me as if I were in the class. I used my husband to lean against during a contraction, he liked feeling like a he had a ‘job’. When we got to the labour room I asked for gas and air, a midwife from the homebirth team arrived and stayed with us which was nice as the hospital staff were too clinical. I listened to my body and was on the bed in the squatting position which was more comfortable, the while time I just focused on my breathing and making sure I only took gas during a contraction. I felt way more in control and focused. Our little girl arrived at 7.44am weighing 8.6lbs. She needed help to breathe at first but all was fine. So it all happened very quickly in just under 3 and a half hours. I felt so proud and euphoric after that I had coped so well and stayed focused, my mum was amazed and couldn’t believe the difference. I feel I achieved a positive birth experience that I can look back on fondly. Thank you for all your help, your classes were so helpful and I missed them over the summer…

Just wanted to say how much we both enjoyed the birth prep workshop, it was incredibly helpful – and the materials and advice you gave my partner have really helped him feel much more confident about his role during birth, and the practical things he can do to help during the process. Thank you again!

Our little girl was born on 8 June at 6:24 am natural labour. Doing the classes definitely helped me, active labour was 3, 5 hours in total. I did one of the yoga kneeling poses to our baby into the world! The breathing and visualisations definitely helped through the surges. Thank you!

Just wanted to say I’m loving the class (again), it’s helped me so much already, mainly in connecting with the new baby as I’ve found it really hard to find the time to do that with a busy life and a 2-year-old! I almost didn’t sign up again as it’s a night I don’t see my little one but I’m so glad I did! I think it’s so good for my new baby!! Thank you!

I gave birth to a baby boy on Monday 27th Feb at 03:16 am weighing 6lbs7. It all went okay and we are both doing well. Thanks for your amazing classes the breathing techniques worked well during labour and also exercised while in the early stages of labour…

Thank you for your email and your kind wishes to me as well as the relaxation mp3’s and music links. I’ve using the relaxation exercises in the last few days.  I’m taking the music with me to the birth to help remind me of the yoga we did in class. I will also think of the ‘go with the flow’ and ‘my body knows how to birth my baby’ to help me stay calm during the birth. I really enjoyed your class and had been my anchor in the week to help keep me focused on the baby and birth and all the experiences to come soon. Thank you for introducing yoga to me- I’ve never done yoga before so the class was a new experience for me. I can definitely feel the benefits and I hope to continue with yoga in the future…

Just a quick email to let you know our baby boy arrived yesterday born in his water sack in the birthing pool, 9 days overdue. Not slept much as was too happy but wanted you to know it was a wonderful experience. I was starting to lose hope as never been overdue and the medicalised ward really wanted to induce. We refused but agreed to four sweeps all in all and nothing! Baby came in his own sweet time the day before induction and he is happy and healthy. Hardest pregnancy in many ways but easiest labour and I made the birthing pool woohoo! Husband was fantastic and so were midwives and I was so pleased to avoid the delivery ward. Thanks for your pep talks. Gave me the confidence to trust my body and breath work rather than pushing, I needed only two stitches this time compared to previous births…

Thank you for supporting me with my pregnancy journey again with my second baby and making me feel so amazing and happy for every minute of it. I’m so grateful you are back in Purley and give all the mums the strength and support we all need. Our son was born 10 days after the due date naturally on the 8th of August. I was actually booked for induction for the 9th of August but he just decided on his own that it’s the right time a day before. During the first stage, when my contractions started, I was breathing through each of them and swaying to the number 8. My husband got me through the drive to the hospital. My breathing techniques were so effective that when I got to the hospital, the midwifes were surprised that I was already 7cm! And to my surprise they refused to give me pethidine as it was too late. I used only gas and air and it worked really well. In the next 1h45min I met my second son. My water broke as he was coming out! It was truly an amazing journey thanks to you and the classes. I wish all mums to be a beautiful delivery and another story to write. Your body knows how to birth your baby, you just need to relax and let it be.

I always looked forward to writing this email to you and explaining my birth story and how no matter what happened, the techniques and tools I learnt in your class really helped me. Thankfully this is still the case although my c-section wasn’t planned. However I can’t stress to you enough that throughout the three days and nights from my water breaking naturally to my son being born, I used everything from your classes and the book you gave me and I am very aware that had I not had those tools, the experience could have been very negative. The breathing exercises were invaluable and calming and the positive affirmations particularly “as I relax, I let go” were incredible in focusing my mind and not panicking. Throughout the time I was in labour midwives and doctors described me as “chilled” and “stoic” and there was much of the experience I managed to enjoy. When the medical professionals were preparing me for the operation my lovely maternal midwife put her hand on my head and asked if I was scared and I firmly replied “no”. This really was the case because of months of practice in your classes of not being fearful of birth- however it happened! I know I haven’t gone into the step by step description of the whole story but I really just wanted to let you know the most important points. The top one being I have a healthy beautiful 9lb 1oz son and we are all doing very well! Thank you again for your classes which were a great help throughout pregnancy and birth.

I’m very happy to let you know that we had a baby girl last Tuesday 5 April she is healthy and I am feeling fine. The birth went really well. Thank you for all the beneficial yoga and positive messages! I had a normal birth no pain relief. I used lots of Ahhh noises to let out the ‘energy’ (not calling it pain!!) of the contractions. I also kept thinking, ok one is coming it’s intense but will only last one minute I can handle that. I used the breathing you taught us, to be light in the first stage, and breathing out to be grounded in the second stage. The mantras you gave us are very powerful, I kept thinking in my head and also said aloud a few times: My body knows how to birth my little baby and As I relax I let go. These were really great for keeping away fear, for enabling trust in the body’s instinctual ability – and empowering me to believe I could do this! The pushing was hard work but I thought this is my role to give birth to my baby. I could give up and ask for help (intervention) but I want to do my absolute best to give birth. Thanks again for everything Jayne!

Our little girl arrived on Thursday by planned c-section just 5lbs 3oz.  Her birth itself went really well and happened within 10 minutes of the procedure. It was amazing I was skin to skin within minutes of her being born.  Overall my calmness really kept me going and positive. I remember sitting on the operation table when they were giving me my spinal block and just listening to myself /breathing deeply & saying “I go with the flow – I go with the flow.” It helps so much.  And you know what – Kegel exercises are so important! They saved me loads during the recovery. Loads! Get those girls to do them!! My pain (had a catheter yikes!) was manageable thanks to them. Thank you again for your encouragement and support…

I wanted to let you know that I had the most amazing birth experience and that the classes played a huge role in making that possible. I had to be induced at 39 weeks for gestational diabetes and after days of slow release hormones not much had happened. I then had my waters broken manually and was started on synthetic oxitocin. This is supposed to produce a more intense, hard-to-handle labour and the midwife said that about 99% of ladies need an epidural. I stuck to my visualisations and I felt brilliant throughout. I pictured feathers floating up and swirling overhead and also bubbles which lifted me into the sky. I was pretty spaced but also very happy as I could feel that my body knew what to do. When it came to pushing I used my deep ‘ugh’ breath and he came out quickly and easily. I was so welcoming of the contractions that I wanted them to last longer! All in all it was a really magical few hours and I really want to say thank you. Your class really helped me to be prepared physically and mentally.

Our little boy was born on the winter solstice at 3 minutes past midnight, weighing 8lbs. He was born in the pool (in his sac!) and I somehow and unintentionally got to 7cm dilated at home using birthing ball, tens machine and breathing techniques. I think coming to your yoga and hypnobirth classes gave me such a great basis to prepare mentally and give birth trusting my body and my baby to do what they needed to do in their own time.

Just a quick note to say thank you and to let you know that our daughter was born on 20th August. I used lots of the relaxation techniques you taught us for very early labour. These were so effective(particularly the attitude of “each contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby”) and made the first stage really manageable. Things sped up after that and my daughter was born ridiculously quickly nearly arriving on my bathroom floor before an ambulance dash to hospital. She was fine and I was fine so we’re all happy! Thanks for the fabulous classes. I’m going to miss them!

I managed to give birth with just gas and air, in the birthing centre. The combination of Hypnobirthing, yoga and affirmations really played a central part in achieving this. Having been induced previously and endured the pain with an epidural, I really didn’t think I could push baby out; I must admit I was a little skeptical. But there was a point during the birth where I started to “listen” to my body. For example I found that I had to be standing up, not on the bed, then on all fours, and in the last moment I felt I had to lift my right leg to get baby out. She was born with her arm over her leg. Thank you, would really recommend your hypnobirthing course to anyone…

I gave birth yesterday to our beautiful baby boy he was 3 weeks early, but was a healthy 8lb 3oz! He’s doing well, as am I… The delivery was too fast to be able to have any form of pain relief so I did it all on gas and air. It took 3 hours from waters breaking. I spent a lot of labour on my hands and knees, or crouching. But the most helpful thing was breathing through the contractions and focusing on listening to what my body told me! Thanks for your lovely classes it was a great head space to bond with my baby and also to learn these helpful techniques. Love to all your ladies…

I managed to give birth with just gas and air, in the birthing centre. The combination of Hypnobirthing, yoga and affirmations really played a central part in achieving this. Having been induced previously and endured the pain with an epidural, I really didn’t think I could push baby out; I must admit I was a little skeptical. But there was a point during the birth where I started to “listen” to my body. For example I found that I had to be standing up, not on the bed, then on all fours, and in the last moment I felt I had to lift my right leg to get baby out. She was born with her arm over her leg. Thank you, would really recommend your hypnobirthing course to anyone…

Wish I’d read up on hypnobirthing for first baby. The slow breathing was incredibly helpful – I used no pain relief this time (last time I used tens machine). I was relaxed and just tried to conserve my energy throughout. I felt so happy about not “pushing” this time as that exhausted me last time. J breathing was also great in the end she was born on a mat next to the birthing pool, she shot out so fast I didn’t even make it into the water! Was extremely lucky she didn’t pop out during the walk from the car into the hospital. The midwife checked me and said I was 6cm dilated but Frankie was born just 10mins later. Home birth would’ve been nice but wasn’t an option due to living just outside the area covered by hospital midwives.

Just a note to say thanks for all the pre pregnancy support: Our little boy arrived safely with gas and air only at a whopping 9lbs! It was a really quick and straight forward labour. The preparation definitely played a pivotal role in how things progressed as my frame of mind was calm and accepting to the extent that the community midwife and then the midwife in hospital both didn’t believe I was in labour until they examined me! Please pass this on to the ladies in your class: listen to Jayne! Enjoy the techniques, practice the relaxation and definitely commit to the affirmations, they will be running through your mind during your labour instead of any other thoughts. Go with it and you’ll be done in no time and cuddling your new arrival!

Just wanted to let you and the class know that our little girl arrived this morning! Whilst I forgot all the visualisations, I remembered the principle of relaxing and the breathing. Managed with just gas and air in the pool which surprised me. I also didn’t need to push until she was halfway out and a bit stuck – so with one push she was born, and didn’t even cry. She’s very chilled out, and I didn’t need stitches despite her 3kg and emerging with her hand on her face. I’m sure the techniques from attending the class had lodged themselves into my subconscious. I certainly wasn’t very good at home practice or listening to the hypnobirthing CDs in my spare time…

Attending classes gave me a most positive pregnancy and birth. I had a natural delivery using the breathing, massage and energy conserving techniques from class. Even the Midwives commented on how calm I was!

Just to let you know we had a lovely baby boy. It was a fairly quick labour and I used a birthing pool along with your breathing techniques and recommended positions they really helped. I loved your classes…. thank you

Thank you so much for your amazing yoga classes. The breathing and visualisation really helped me to be calm and cope with my labor and birth. It was a magical time for baby, my husband and I we were all so connected.

Wish I’d read up on hypnobirthing for first baby. The slow breathing was incredibly helpful – I used no pain relief this time (last time I used tens machine). I was relaxed and just tried to conserve my energy throughout. I felt so happy about not “pushing” this time as that exhausted me last time. J breathing was also great  in the end she was born on a mat next to the birthing pool, she shot out so fast I didn’t even make it into the water! Was extremely lucky she didn’t pop out during the walk from the car into the hospital. The midwife checked me and said I was 6cm dilated but Frankie was born just 10 mins later. Home birth would’ve been nice but wasn’t an option due to living just outside the area covered by hospital midwives.

I birthed my daughter naturally with only gas and air and used the breathing exercises I learnt in class, active labour was only 4 hours which the midwife was amazed with for a first baby especially as I was induced too. Thank you for your support over the last few months the classes really helped me to focus my breathing and most importantly to relax and rest in between contractions to ensure you have the energy for the next one!!’

I think one of the best things about the class is  the opportunity to really get in touch with body and baby – I certainly felt on the first day of your classes that it was the first moment I actually felt pregnant in a spiritual rather than a physiological sense. It was the first time I felt that I could shut everything else out and be alone to connect with my bump – it was an amazing feeling.

I had the most incredible birth at home entirely drug free thanks to the course breathing techniques, visualisations, the mp3 and trusting my instinct. Squatting was very helpful too as was my fabulous supportive husband who let me lean on him squeeze his hand and he massaged my back. The midwives commented on how good my breathing was and it really did help me avoid the drugs. Can’t wait to get back for my first yoga class in a few months-time!

I had a beautiful birth, such a wonderful memory and I know the majority of that was due to your great pregnancy class and support. I had only one paracetamol and a relatively short birth, which was amazing. I used your tips and ensured I followed my bodies lead. The home practice mp3 worked wonders in helping me get into my own birth zone. Thank you Jayne!

Just wanted to say thank you Jayne for your fabulous classes. They were great for relaxation in the weeks before the birth and I used the breathing and the ‘I can do this’ affirmation during labour. My son was a big baby (9lb 12oz!) but I’m so proud to have had him just with gas & air and he came in just over 5 hours.

I wanted to say thanks for running such a great class. I really think it has helped get me in the right state, both physically and mentally, for the kind of birth I would like to have and I’ll certainly be continuing to practice while I wait for baby to come and will be making good use of the breathing and relaxation techniques during my labour. Thank you!

My labour was very quick for me (under 3 hours) … It was over before I had even realised it had begun so I didn’t get much chance to use many of the techniques I learnt at your classes. However, I have found the yoga moves and relaxation techniques very useful in the time since baby’s birth. There are plenty of things to be anxious about and I have found utilising breathing techniques and simple moves helpful in helping me to relax and remain calm.

I attended classes because I like yoga and wanted something to help me relax & feel energised; I didn’t expect it to help in labour, but it really did. I had a bit of a stressful time – my son was nearly two months premature – but without even thinking about it, the positions and the mindset kicked in and I felt much better able to be the ‘out of controlness’ than I think I would have done otherwise. So thank you!

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